
Apple's new patent applications: the future may replace the touch panel

It is reported that Apple recently registered a new patent, the patent project called - multifunction keyboard assembly. This can include multi-function keyboard input of a second independent components, the individual components of this type may provide input to a second electronic device can also provide visual feedback to the user independent of the backlight display. Keyboard can also be squeezed again when the keyboard feedback to the user greater resistance or vibration.

This keyboard is very likely the use of new materials in order to achieve strong, lightweight design goals. The technology in the future is likely to replace the touch panel on the laptop, or even directly applied to the iPad.

Apple's new patent applications: the future may replace the touch panel

Apple patents

Apple is a company very much like patents, Apple's products are so popular and Apple's efforts are inseparable. I hope this new patent after listing and Apple's other products can be as popular.